Throne of Glory

Have you ever been overcome with a sudden urge to break into song? Maybe you find yourself belting out your favorite show tune or Whitney while you are in the shower or at a stoplight? I personally give my best performances while driving by myself on the highway. Recently though, I happened upon a concert of unusual circumstances. I was attending a conference for Christian school teachers in Chicago. The week was full of inspirational singers, speakers, and classes meant to recharge us both mentally and spiritually for the upcoming school year. During a break between sessions I ran to the Ladies Room. I had no sooner closed the stall door when I realized that I was in the middle of someone’s personal inspirational concert. My acute sense of smell informed me that the singer had made herself quite at home in her sound studio and planned on being there awhile. To pass the time, she had decided to sing her favorite hymn to entertain both herself and those around her. She had chosen “We Would See Jesus” as her opening number. Suddenly I realized that I was in a situation in which I did not know proper protocol. Was it rude to attend to my own needs while she was singing? Should I join in on the third stanza? Should all flushes be held until between numbers? Could I request “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing?” I needed to give some serious thought to these questions, however, the three Diet Cokes I had consumed left me with little time to contemplate. As the faceless performer continued to fill the room with praise (among other things) I decided it was best to get out as quickly as possible as not to disrupt others who might be enjoying her experience.

I envy my mystery porcelain performer just a bit. She was so happy and filled with joy (and again…other things) that she could not keep it to herself. I just might have to plan a stall sing along of my own someday. If you happen to be a member of my audience, please feel free to join in or flush to the beat. Just please hold all applause until after you have washed your hands.

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