What’s In My Bag–Mommy Edition

I love the segments in the gossip magazines where they ask a celebrity “What’s in your bag?”  The oh so flattered celebrity goes on to spill the contents of a bag that costs three times more than my mortgage. There always seems to be some common items found in these famous purses–an organic snack for when they get their weekly hunger attack, a sheer Chapstick to make us think that their beauty is naturally flawless, and a very thought provoking book.

I happened to be digging through my $29.99 purse from TJ MAXX tonight and thought I would share what’s in my bag.

1.  A coach wallet from the outlet store. It has receipts and coupons spilling out either side of it. It is stuffed with every value and saving card known to man except for the one I happen to need at any given moment.

2.  Three ketchup packets from Chick Fil A that are at least two weeks old.

3.  Two unopened toothbrushes. No clue where they came from or why they are in there.

4. A top to a can of tennis balls. I don’t play tennis. Never have.

5.  A can of Diet Coke. This is a must have at all times when you are an over tired working mother.

6.  A bouncy ball.

7.  Half of a Lego. Seriously. Half of a Lego.

8.  A melted wad of tootsie rolls. This is my go to emergency chocolate but these obviously did not survive the Florida heat.

9.  An eyeliner that is broken because I had to use it to write something down. Apparently I don’t have a pen hiding in there anywhere.

10.  What is missing from my bag?  My keys. I’m going to need those in the morning.

Back to School

One of the many things I love about being a teacher is having the summers off.  Lounging by the pool while my boys wear themselves out swimming or catching up on my HGTV while they play outside with their friends is a wonderful break from our busy and chaotic school year.

Today that all changed as I packed up and headed back to school for teacher preparation.  Sitting in meetings and diving into a sea of yearly, monthly, and daily lesson plans can quickly become all consuming.  We are busy arranging our classrooms, searching for new ways to teach the same skills, and preparing supplies for the 22 darlings that will show up next Tuesday.

Tonight I  brought work home with me, hoping to get a little ahead of the game while my two boys entertained themselves.  This seemed to be working just fine as they chose to use this time to invent a new game called “Couch Olympics”.  This game began with each “athlete” running across the living room and leaping over a laundry basket on to the not yet completely paid for couch.  Gradually. the laundry basket was pulled further and further away from the couch to make the flying leap more challenging.  A player won when the other participant either touched the laundry basket, hit the floor, or cried.  This was working for quite a few rounds until the little one decided he was being weighted down by his clothes.  Thus, the games were renamed the “Summer Couch Olympics” which allowed the athletes to compete in their underwear.  It appeared to be a close race until the final round ended with one bumping their head and one banging their elbow.  There may be no crying in baseball but apparently Couch Olympics is fair game.

I didn’t get much work done here at home.  I rarely do.  After all, after I dry these tears I have a gold and silver medal to award.