Happy New Year!!

Here we are again!  A new year.  A clean slate.  A fresh start.  A blank page in the book of your life.  This is your year….the year you are going to become that world famous blogger, the year you are going to give up caffeine and chocolate and lose the 15 (which has now turned into 25) lbs you have been needing to lose for so long, the year you finally take that 30 minutes a day for yourself.  These are the resolutions I have been making for years with little to no results.  So this year I am changing it up.  I’m going to make a new list of resolutions that I have a better chance of achieving.

1.  Get less sleep-  As my kids get older and their activities get later, I can with full confidence resolve to get less than the 6 1/2 hours of nightly slumber I get now.  

2.  Give up Romantic Comedies entirely-  I have seen two movies in the past two years.  They both had light sabers in them.   I live in a house full of boys and it is safe to say I will be seeing a lot more light sabers and a lot less romantic proposals at the movie theaters.

3.  Become an expert at the “What Stinks?” game- My response time is way to slow when I ask myself this question.  For the survival of all in this household, I need to shave at least 90 seconds off my fastest time.  

4.  Embarrass my children at least once a month- According to the boys, I do this way more often than once a month.  I have let them know that embarrassing them is the one true joy of parenting and I will not be giving it up.  I WILL  be saying “I love you” as they leave for class and asking how their day was in front of their friends.  If they protest, I will walk them to class and hold their hands while crossing the street.  

5.  Eat more chikn- Those cute cows with the signs love me already.  I frequent their drive thru regularly as I rush kids from one activity to the next. I am quite certain I will be able to up these visits significantly as our schedule gets more and more hectic.
So there they are!  My top five resolutions for 2017.  I feel confident I can achieve these.  The year is only hours old and I have already accomplished three of them!  

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